For Success

BY Lynette M. Robbins

I have spent a lifetime learning what is contained within these articles. I was the firstborn, seventh daughter of seven daughters. Seven generations of first born women. I was taught I was supposed to have all the answers; know everything. Yet, I didn’t know everything, but I was open to learning. However, before I could learn, I had to learn how to learn. It is my hope you will use this blog as a tool and draw on these stories and the insights they contain to achieve your own goals and aspirations.
December 10, 2020
What you see is what you get

The realities of life result from many outside factors,much of which you can't control.Your attitude, however, reflects the wayin which you evaluate what's happening to you. It is not your situation,it's your reaction to the situation that's important.Things always seem to turn out best for those peoplewho can make the best out of the way things turn out. Life at any time can become difficult.Life at any time can become easy.It all depends upon how […]

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December 8, 2020
You always have a choice

Your dignity lives in the power of choice. You don't have to buy from anyone.You don't have to work at any particular job.You don't have to participate in any given relationship.You can choose. You steer the course you choose in the directionof where you want to be today, tomorrow,or in a distant time to come.You hold the tiller. You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time.No one can ever take […]

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December 3, 2020
You can because you think you can

Your range of available choices right now has no limits.The only limits you have are in your mind.You've got it in you to succeed.Just make up your mind and stick with it. You weren't born with any limits on your powersor any set limits to your capacity.At any moment, you have more possibilitiesthan you can act upon. Imagine your possibilities and your vision expands.Capture your dreams in your mind and your life becomes full.Reach out […]

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December 1, 2020
Every failure is a step closer to success

Experiencing failure is inevitable on the highway to success. Every defeat is merely an installment to victory. People who try to do something and failare infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. You won't be judged by the number of times you fail,but by the number of times you succeed.And the number of times you succeed is in direct proportionto the number of times you fail and keep trying. Failure is […]

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November 26, 2020
Your trials and sorrows develop you

Whatever good or bad fortune comes your way,give it meaning and transform it into something of value.Trouble is the common denominator of living.It's the great equalizer of life. Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change.All growth means change and change always involves risks,stepping from the known to the unknown.All of your growth depends on your activity.It only comes through continuous effort and struggle.You'll have no development without effort. Life chips and pounds […]

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November 24, 2020
Don't be afraid to take risks

You'll never achieve real success unless you like what you're doing.Your chances for success will be directly proportionalto the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.If you have a job you hate, face the fact squarely and get out.Work is reward, not punishment. If you enjoy what you do, you'll be successful.If you don't enjoy what you do, you won't be successful.Your success in any occupation depends on your enjoyment.Loving your work will […]

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November 19, 2020
You must have a dream to make it come true

Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams,and strive to live the life you imagine,and you'll meet with success. The only way to discover the limits of what is possible for youis to go beyond those limits into the impossible. Far away there in the sunshine are your highest goals and aspirations.Believe that you can reach them, look up and see their beauty,believe in them, and follow where they lead. You are the one who […]

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November 17, 2020
Progress begins one step at a time

There is no sudden leap to greatness.Your success lies in doing, day by day.Your upward reach comes from working well and carefully. Good work done little by little becomes great work.Your house of success will be built brick by brick. Adopt the pace of nature.The secret is patience.A bottle fills drop by drop.

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November 12, 2020
The rules of Colin Powell

It ain't as bad as you think.It will look better in the morning Get mad, then get over it. Avoid having your ego so close to your positionthat when your position falls, your ego goes with it. It can be done! Be careful what you choose. You may get it. Don't let adverse facts stand in the wayof a good decision. You can't make someone else's choices.You shouldn't let someone else make yours. Check small […]

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November 10, 2020
Never say Never

There is no such thing as no chance. Don't think about the things you can't do. Think about the things you can do. No matter what the level of your ability is, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime. You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations to what you can do except the limitations of your […]

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