For Success

BY Lynette M. Robbins

I have spent a lifetime learning what is contained within these articles. I was the firstborn, seventh daughter of seven daughters. Seven generations of first born women. I was taught I was supposed to have all the answers; know everything. Yet, I didn’t know everything, but I was open to learning. However, before I could learn, I had to learn how to learn. It is my hope you will use this blog as a tool and draw on these stories and the insights they contain to achieve your own goals and aspirations.
July 1, 2023
Leverage Your Past for Greater Success in Your Future

Life is easy if you get a little better each day at living it. Unfortunately, few of us make the small enhancements that could make our life more fulfilling. We tend to do things a certain way and stick with them. Consider that, if you were to learn something each day that you could apply to tomorrow, your life would be much different. You would be different. You would be smarter, wiser, and looking forward […]

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June 1, 2023
4 Ways to get Motivated on Monday Mornings

The internet is full of memes about Mondays. Listen to a few. “If every day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.” “The three worst words to hear: Tomorrow is Monday.” And “God gave us Mondays to punish us for what we did during the weekend.” These memes might make you laugh, but they also highlight this truth: Mondays can be tough. For most, on Mondays, it's tough to get […]

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May 1, 2023
The Power of the Mind: How Focus Can Change Your Life

The mind’s power is immense, and you can use it to achieve anything you want. Here, we’ll teach you how to tap into the power of your mind and zoom in on the things you want in order to transform your reality. We’ll also cover how to stay focused and motivated while avoiding distractions. Here’s how you can use your mind to change your reality: Learn how to use your mind positively to transform your […]

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April 1, 2023
10 Ways to Build and Maintain Meaningful Relationships

Relationships can be challenging. The quality of our relationships has a big influence on the quality of our lives. Relationships are like living organisms. They require attention and energy to thrive. When they’re ignored, they degrade and wither away. How many friends have drifted away from you over the years? Enhance your relationships and your life: Are your relationships everything you’d like them to be? Meaningful relationships are one of the key components of happiness. […]

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March 1, 2023
Cultivating Success

What does success mean to you? You might define it as having a stable job in a large company where there's an opportunity for growth, or owning a home. Or maybe your vision of success includes owning your own business or backpacking through Europe every five years. Your personal success goals most likely also include spiritual, relationship, and other life aspirations. Whatever your perspective may be, one of your primary tasks in life is to […]

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February 1, 2023
5 Self-Assertiveness Strategies to Help You Reclaim Your Domain

As you seek success in your business, love life, or any other venture, it helps to take stock of your level of self-assertiveness. Assertiveness is the ability to honestly express yourself without undue self-doubt or anxiety. If others think they can walk all over you, they tend to view you in a negative light. While some are born assertive, for others self-assertiveness is a cultivated skill. Learn how to become more self-assertive by following these […]

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January 1, 2023
4 Huge Myths About Motivation

Motivation is powerful, but not entirely necessary. Motivation makes it easier to take action, but you take plenty of actions without the presence of traditional motivation. Without motivation, it’s also easy to procrastinate. Motivation is tricky. What exactly is motivation? Is it enthusiasm for an action? Or is it just a situation where taking an action has become more desirable than not taking action? You might not be excited about doing a report at work, […]

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December 1, 2022
A Positive Thought

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He will listen. He could live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart. What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem?

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November 1, 2022
The Power of Listening

Listening is nothing more than giving a reflection back in a mirror of what you are hearing. Listening ignites relationships. Getting transparent. Breathe deeply for a few seconds to get centered in the moment. Become clear and get the junk of the day out of your trunk. The thought about being in the NOW… Everything is working exactly the way it is supposed to today. Everything that happened to you this week is exactly how […]

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October 1, 2022
The Crowning Quality of Success

The power to hold on in spite of everything, to endure, this is the quality of a winner. Your greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time you fail.  It's your constant and determined effort that will eventually break down all resistance and sweep all the barriers before you. Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, to do all that's necessary to reach your goal.  All great achievements require time. Endurance is the crowning quality of success.

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