For Success

BY Lynette M. Robbins

I have spent a lifetime learning what is contained within these articles. I was the firstborn, seventh daughter of seven daughters. Seven generations of first born women. I was taught I was supposed to have all the answers; know everything. Yet, I didn’t know everything, but I was open to learning. However, before I could learn, I had to learn how to learn. It is my hope you will use this blog as a tool and draw on these stories and the insights they contain to achieve your own goals and aspirations.
December 1, 2019
Live and let live

For those who are familiar with the teachings and precepts of 12 Step Programs, you may have heard the term "Live and Let Live." When I first heard these words, I didn't totally understand what it meant or how these words could make such an impact on so many people. After about a year of practiced awareness, I came to understand that “Live and Let Live” was separating my stuff from everybody else's stuff. Simply […]

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